The Lost Art of Patience

contemplation gene keys mindset shadow work Dec 10, 2023

There is a divine rhythm that flows through all things. Patience is the path that keeps us on beat. 


You know that feeling you get when you start to feel impatient? There's tightness in your body and anxiety, fear and anger start to creep in. Impatience is the shadow of the 5th Gene Key. The gift is patience and the siddhi is timelessness. The shadow of impatience is something we can often overlook, but it can really sabotage our lives because it's based in fear. We get caught in the frantic hurry of life attempting to free ourselves from struggle, when that's precisely the predicament that keeps us in it. 


I've been contemplating the shadow of impatience, which has shown up a lot over the course of my life. I often feel like I am in a hurry and if other people are taking too long, they're in the way. Can you relate? I've been witnessing how impatience reveals itself in my life and I am inviting you into the same practice. How is impatience showing up for you right now? 


What I've been getting through my contemplation is that impatience is connected to feeling like we're not enough. When we feel like we're not enough, then we're automatically going to feel like we don't have enough. We won't feel like we have enough money. We won't feel like we have enough time. We will find ourselves in a place of fear that puts us into fight or flight mode and we start to take actions that are rushed or hurried. But because fear is underneath it, we won't get the results that we want and we end up feeling even more anxious and impatient.


It could simply be a matter of being impatient to get somewhere. Or it could be something bigger, like feeling impatient because things aren't happening in your life as quickly as you would like them to. In his talk on the 5th Gene Key that you can find HERE, Richard Rudd shares that, "an impatient person is someone who does not trust in the flow of life."  That really struck me. Impatience comes from not trusting in the flow of life! When we don't trust life, that's when we feel impatient and get in our own way instead of relaxing, surrendering and allowing. When we soften, by becoming gentle with ourselves and others, suddenly the things we were waiting for arrive in the perfect time and way. There is a divine rhythm that flows through all things. Patience is the path that keeps us on beat. 


I encourage you to contemplate on the shadow of impatience and the gift of patience in your life. Where is this coming up for you? How can you start to trust in life more? How can you be kinder to yourself and others? In what ways can you feel more present in this moment now, recognizing that everything you need is right here? It's all right here.


If you want to explore the possibilities of the Gene Keys in your life you can book your session HERE. You can also watch this free talk about Transforming Impatience into Patience HERE.